Hey everyone 👋
We’ve been a bit quiet on the updates front, but that’s because we haven’t stopped working on bringing new features and improvements to the app for a second.
All good things take time and most of them are lengthy and complicated processes which will pay out greatly in the future development of ChangeX, which is why they completely occupied our attention. Below, we’ll outline most of what we’re working on right now (some things we can’t share yet, but this is all the more reason to get excited about them).
Here is a complete (almost) list of current tasks, events, and milestones.
🎛️ Key Features/Updates
🔍 Because we want to provide more ways to access CHANGE, we’re working on a bridge which will allow you to swap your USDT (ERC20) and USDC (ERC20) to CHANGE directly in the app. The bridge has been in active development for some time now, and it should be available in the next ChangeX release for Android and iOS. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and join the conversation in Telegram for the announcement.
🖧 We’re also working on a feature which will allow you to stake CHANGE on both the Ethereum network and on BSC, which is another step towards the multi-chain identity of CHANGE!
🖥️ We’re creating a Public dashboard which will showcase various key statistics and data about CHANGE, including:
- Number of CHANGE swap transactions per day
- The current trading volume onthe HydraDEX and Uniswap
- The price on HydraDEX and Uniswap
- The number of staking addresses at any given moment
- The total staked amount of CHANGE
- What is the current APR and APY with daily compounding
- Amount of CHANGE staking rewards paid out daily/Total rewards paid out
🐉 As we said before, HYDRA staking is next in line for integration into the app, and this should also be available in the next ChangeX release. Staking HYDRA in ChangeX will be equal to setting up a node via the Hydra wallet, but will happen with very few clicks, and will further expose the app to the Hydra community.
💲 We proceed with enabling stablecoin staking for a fixed APR, so you can put your USDT and USDC to work.
💲💲 On the fiat and legal side of things, we’re actively looking for a fiat on-ramp provider that meets our requirements for low transaction taxes, as this is a key step for ChangeX on the road to utility and simplicity.
✅ App Updates/Fixes
▶️ What to expect in the next Android release of ChangeX
- We’re working on implementing LockTrip’s LOC token into the available list of currencies in the app;
- Updated SWAP function with new screens for selecting currencies, instead of pickers;
- Notifications will be enabled for all transactions: swapping, staking and approval;
- The button that lets you import a wallet has been changed;
- We’ve applied some minor fixes to the home screen infographic chart;
- Similar to iOS, we’ve added eight symbols after the decimal point for the CHANGE token, as the price is now rounded;
- The restake button disappeared from view, causing the user to scroll down in order to see it — fixed;
- We have fixed two types of app crashes;
- ETA: expected this week;
🍏 What to expect in the next iOS release of ChangeX
- Updated SWAP function with new screens for selecting currencies, instead of pickers;
- Notifications will be enabled for all transactions: swapping, staking and approval;
- Adding LockTrip’s LOC token into the available list of currencies in the app;
- ETA: expected next week;
📢 Marketing 📢
We’re going forward with streamlining our marketing efforts and the things you see below are just the beginning. We’ll start off with building our user base and expanding our reach to new communities, so that we get more recognition in the DeFi space. Outlined below are the main short-term marketing activities we have planned for.
🩳 Short-term
- ChangeX will be featured by one of the most reputable staking outlets — Coinmarketexpert.
- Аd campaigns are in the making with a focus on increasing user acquisition and amplifying exposure;
- We’ve also made partnerships with a few reputable YouTube content creators, who are sharing the word about ChangeX;
- We’re currently working to get listed on stakingrewards(.)com which will seriously boost our exposure and list us on the website as one of the most rewarding DeFi projects currently out there and we currently hold the highest APR!
- We’re preparing Twitter and Telegram campaigns in order to boost our presence on both platforms and attract new users;
- Weekly Twitter games/bounties to boost exposure are already in motion;
👖 Long-term
- Brand outline — we are working on the ChangeX brand as a whole;
- Work is starting on our new product website, with fresh design, more information, more utility, etc.;
- Accordingly, we’ll be working on the UX, feel and design of the app to reflect our brand identity for simplicity and ease of use of otherwise complex operations;
This outlines our priorities for the next 1–2 months. We’ll be working hard to stay ahead of events and keep you posted, while doing our best to keep to deadlines.
That’s all for now, but we hope to be able to share some big things very soon.
Thanks for reading. 💖
Until next time,
The ChangeX team